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Revised/Updated: North Carolina’s New Congressional Districts – Say Goodbye to Democrats Miller, Shuler and Kissell; McIntyre has Fighting Chance

by johndavis, July 5, 2011

“Republicans drew the districts with growth projections in mind to ensure that they will be safe all the way to the end of the decade.”  John Davis Political Report Post July 6, 2011       Vol. IV, No. 14     Revised/Updated North Carolina’s New Congressional Districts: Say Goodbye to Democrats Miller, Shuler and Kissell; McIntyre

“Republicans drew the districts with growth projections in mind to ensure that they will be safe all the way to the end of the decade.”  John Davis Political Report

Post July 6, 2011       Vol. IV, No. 14     Revised/Updated

North Carolina’s New Congressional Districts: Say Goodbye to Democrats Miller, Shuler and Kissell; McIntyre has  Fighting Chance

John Davis Political Report Subscribers First to Receive Comprehensive Analysis

Last Friday, subscribers to the John Davis Political Report were the first in North Carolina to receive a comprehensive analysis of the new congressional districts proposed by the legislative reapportionment committees.  Today, I am sending a Revised/Updated edition of that reportInformation presented in bold italics has been added. There are new links with each district analysis that provides hundreds of facts about each of the proposed new districts.  Check them out!

The July 4th half-price sale on an annual subscription to the John Davis Political Report is being extended for the remainder of July!  Now only $245 for a Premium Annual Subscription!  Click HERE to Print Subscription Reply Form. Subscribe online here!

Key Conclusions:

  • Under the new congressional districts, the partisan advantage will shift from 7 Democratic and 6 Republican to 8 Republican and only 3 guaranteed Democratic districts, with 2 that will depend on the strengths of the candidates and the prevailing partisan winds of the given election year.
  • President Obama carried 8 NC congressional districts and Sen. McCain 5 in 2008.  Under the 13 new districts, Obama would only carry 3 (Butterfield, Price and Watt).
  • Only 4 of the current districts gave McCain a 55%-or-greater vote in 2008 (Jones, Foxx, Myrick and McHenry).  There are now 10 districts that would have voted for McCain for president at 55% or greater (all but Butterfield, Price and Watt).  The same 10 districts would give US Sen. Burr a 60%-or-greater victory.
  • Gov. Perdue carried 9 of the 13 congressional districts in 2008, all but one greater than 50%. Under the new districts, Perdue would carry 5 (Butterfield, Jones, Price, McIntyre and Watt).
  • GOP gubernatorial nominee Pat McCrory only carried 4 congressional districts in 2008 (Foxx, Coble, Myrick and McHenry). If the election were held under the new congressional districts, he would add Elmers, Kissell, Shuler and Miller to his wins.

Key District-by-District Conclusions

  • U.S. House District 1, currently held by Democratic Congressman G.K. Butterfield, did not undergo any change that will impact the likely outcome of congressional races for the next 10 years. It is still a majority-minority district where Democrats have a 68% registration advantage over the meager 16% Republican registration.  Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 1 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 2, currently held by Republican Congresswoman Renee Elmers, has become a significantly more Republican-friendly district. This district was held throughout the last decade by Democratic Congressman Bob Etheridge. The new district has 39% Democratic registration and 36% Republican registration, a 3% Democratic advantage. However, under the old map, Democrats enjoyed a 23% advantage with 51% registered Democrats to only 28% registered Republicans.  Elmers squeaked out a win in Republican friendly 2010.  She will still have to work hard to hold this seat, but the new map gives her an advantage at the starting line.

Key County Changes:  Harnett County, home to both Elmers and Etheridge, is now split into three congressional districts (Price, Elmers and Coble), with about half remaining in the new congressional district.  Elmers now has all of Sampson County and keeps all of Johnston County, both reliably Republican counties.  This district no longer has any of the Franklin County and Nash County precincts, making it a stronger Republican opportunity district. New territory includes precincts in Wake, Cumberland and Wayne. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 2 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 3, currently held by Republican Congressman Walter Jones, will likely always elect Jones as long as he runs. Jones and his father have held this district for over four decades. However, this district is now a swing district that could be won by a strong conservative Democrat once Jones retires. Remember, there are lots of eastern North Carolina “Reagan Democrats” in this district.  Democratic registration increases considerably under the new maps from 41% to 49%; Republicans lose market share from 35% to 30%.  McCain would still beat Obama in this district by about 56% to 44%. However, Perdue would defeat McCrory under the new maps by 55% to 44%, whereas she beat McCrory in this congressional district in 2008 by 49% to 48.4%.

Key County Changes:  Onslow County and almost all of Carteret County, both Republican friendly, have been moved from Jones’ district to McIntyre’s district. Major counties:  District 3 has all of Duplin, Jones, Dare, Beaufort and Craven Counties, and substantial parts of Pitt, Nash and Lenoir. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 3 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 4, currently held by Democratic Congressman David Price, did not undergo any change that will impact the likely outcome of congressional races for the next 10 years. It is still a solid Democratic district where Democrats now have a 35% registration advantage over Republicans (54% Democrats to 19% Republicans, with 27% Unaffiliated).

Key County Changes:  Conservative “Reagan Democrats” precincts in northern Orange and northern Durham with a history of voting Republican in federal races have been taken out of Price’s district and moved to Miller’s district.  That’s good for Price, a Democrat, and bad for Miller, a Democrat.  Precincts in southern Wake County with a history of voting Republican in federal elections have been taken out of Price’s district and put into Republican Renee Elmers’ district, a move that helps both camps.  Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 4 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 5, currently held by Republican Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, has a bit fewer Republicans and more Democrats but Republicans still outnumber the loyal opposition and will continue find this district a safe harbor for GOP candidates.

Key County Changes:  Although Foxx loses Surry and Stokes counties to Miller, she keeps some of the most Republican districts in the state. Wilkes, Yadkin and Davie counties are 3 of the only 6 counties that voted for Herbert Hoover in 1932!  GOP precincts in Rockingham and Forsyth counties have been taken out and put into Miller’s district. Not good for Miller.  Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 5 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 6, currently held by Republican Congressman Howard Coble, has fewer Republicans and more Democrats but would still choose McCain over Obama by 55% to 44%, whereas under the old configuration McCain defeated Obama by a much wider margin, 63% to 36% (Statewide: Obama 49.7%; McCain 49.4%).

Key County Changes:  Coble looses his share of Davidson and Rowan, keeps all of Moore County and much of what he had in Randolph, Guilford and Alamance Counties.  He picks up most of Chatham County, almost all of Lee, and portions of Harnett and Cumberland. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 6 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 7, currently held by Democratic Congressman Mike McIntyre, has 9% fewer Democrats but still gives McIntyre a fighting chance. Although McCain defeated Obama here under the old map by 5%, McCain would defeat Obama here under the new maps by 55% to 44%. On the other hand, Perdue would still beat Republican gubernatorial candidate McCrory here by 6 points, but not nearly as bad as the 11 point shellacking she gave him here in 2008.  McIntyre maintains a fighting chance.

Key County Changes: Onslow County and almost all of Carteret County (94%), both Republican friendly, have been moved from Jones’ district to McIntyre’s district.  Major counties:  District 7 has all of Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, Onslow and Pender. Democratic-friendly parts of Cumberland, Duplin and Robeson counties have been taken out of this district.  McIntyre still has a fighting chance here, but not much more than a fighting chance. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 7 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 8, currently held by Democratic Congressman Larry Kissell, has been reconfigured in such a way that Kissell can no longer win.  This district was held by GOP Congressman Hayes for most of the decade. It now has more registered Republicans and fewer Democrats and a shifted from a 52% Obama district to a 44% Obama district. Likewise, it has shifted from a 47% McCrory district to a 53% McCrory district. Gov. Perdue carried this district by 51% in one of the best years for voter registration and turnout of Democrats in modern political history. In the absence of the extraordinary advantage that Democrats enjoyed as a result of the historic campaign of President Obama, this now becomes a very difficult district for them to hold.

Key County Changes:  Parts of three strong Republican counties, Randolph, Davidson and Rowan, have been added to House District 8, strengthening the prospects of Republicans regaining their seat once held by GOP Congressman Hayes.  Several reliably Democratic precincts in Mecklenburg County have been moved into Congressman Mel Watt’s U.S. House District 12, taking “about 37,000 African Americans away from Kissell,” reports the News & Observer/Charlotte Observer.  Mecklenburg County had 17% of the district under the old map; only 5.5% under the new map.  Cumberland County had 20% of the old district; none of the new district. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 8 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 9, currently held by Republican Congresswoman Myrick, did not undergo any change that will impact the likely outcome of congressional races for the next 10 years. It is still a GOP stronghold where Republican gubernatorial nominee McCrory, former mayor of Charlotte, won the district with 65% of the vote and would win again with 67% of the vote as it is newly configured.

Key County Changes:  Myrick lost friendly precincts in Gaston County to Congressman McHenry. However, that loss is offset by a gain of GOP precincts in northern Mecklenburg County (Town of Davidson), southern Iredell County, and new precincts in northeastern Union County Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 9 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 10, currently held by Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry, has about 5% fewer Republicans but continues as a GOP stronghold.  President Obama would still lose to McCain here by 57% to 42% and Perdue would still lose to McCrory here by about that same margin.

Key County Changes:  McHenry picks up all of Gaston County, his home county and solid Republican territory.  He loses GOP strongholds Mitchell, Avery and Caldwell, as well as and Burke County, to Shuler’s district.  McHenry picks up all of Polk County and the eastern side of Buncombe County, including Asheville. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 10 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 11, currently held by Democratic Congressman Heath Shuler, has now become a safe harbor for Republicans. The anchor for Democrats in this district has always been Buncombe County, particularly Asheville.  Not only has half of Buncombe County, including Asheville, been put into Congressman McHenry’s safe Republican district, but several of the most Republican counties in the state have been moved from districts held by Congresswoman Foxx and Congressman McHenry to Heath Shuler’s district.  Keep in mind, this district was held by Republican Congressman Charles Taylor for 12 years. It was already a leaning Republican district.  Shuler, an exceptionally strong and attractive candidate, has been able to hang onto the seat because he is a great candidate and he votes like a Republican.

Key County Changes:  Shular picks up Mitchell, Caldwell, Burke and Avery Counties.  All but Burke County are reliably Republican counties. Avery and Mitchell counties are 2 of the 6 counties that voted for Herbert Hoover against Roosevelt in 1932. Now that’s Republican!  He loses the eastern half of Buncombe County, including Asheville, and all of Polk County. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 11 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 12, currently held by Democratic Congressman Mel Watt, did not undergo any change that will impact the likely outcome of congressional races for the next 10 years. It is still a majority-minority district where Democrats have a 64% registration advantage over the meager 16% Republican registration. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 12 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

  • U.S. House District 13 is currently held by Democratic Congressman Brad Miller.  As expected, North Carolina Congressman Miller has been drawn into a district he cannot win. Turnabout is fair play. When he chaired the NC Senate reapportionment committee 10 years ago, he drew himself a congressional district he could not lose.  Now he’s in a district he cannot win. Registered Democrats plummeted from 51% to 41% and Republicans increased their ranks from 26% to 37%. Under the current district, Obama received 59% to only 40% for McCain. Under the new map, McCain would beat Obama by 56% to 44%. Amazing! Perdue’s market share plummets under the new map from 57% to 45% while McCrory’s market share increases from 39% to 52%.

Key County Changes:  Stokes and Surry counties, both reliably Republican in national elections, have been added to Miller’s district.  Reliably Democratic precincts in Guilford County have been removed. Conservative “Reagan Democrats” precincts in northern Alamance, northern Orange and northern Durham counties have been added.  Republican precincts in western Guilford County and eastern Forsyth County stay. Click here for counties in district and county % of district.

NOTE:  Click here for complete U.S. House District 13 statistics, including population and registration demographics, as well as statewide election results for election years 2004, 2008 and 2010, available on the General Assembly web site.

Surprises & Interesting Notes:

  • All 13 incumbents still reside in their new districts (no double bunking).
  • There is no third majority-minority district as many had speculated.
  • Despite the Republican-friendly change in the rematch in of the congressional districts, one Democrat, North Carolina Atty. Gen. Roy Cooper, would still carry all of them.
  • The basis of the new map is the old map. At a glance, they look very similar.
  • The changes in the maps are as politically significant as they are subtle; illustrating the extraordinary sophistication of today’s remapping technology.
  • Republicans drew the districts with growth projections in mind to ensure that they will be safe all the way to the end of the decade.

Knowing early how campaigns are likely to end takes the uncertainty out of politics, thereby saving you a lot of your time and your money.  That’s what the John Davis Political Report is all about.

– END –

The ½ price July 4th sale will continue throughout the month.  If you are not a subscriber, Click HERE to Print Subscription Reply Form, or subscribe online to the John Davis Political Report at www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe.

Need a speaker on redistricting?  Contact me at www.johndavisconsulting.com/speaker-info

Please consider making a donation to help defray costs of research here. Look for the “Donate” button at www.johndavisconsulting.com.


How Far Right can NC Republicans Push their Conservative Legislative Agenda without Creating a Political Blowback

by johndavis, June 21, 2011

[[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/How-Far-Right-Can-GOP-Push-NC.mp3|titles=How Far Right Can GOP Push NC]] “Originally, blowback was CIA internal coinage denoting the unintended, harmful consequences – to friendly populations and military forces – when a given weapon is carelessly used.” en.wikipedia.org     Search: blowback Post June 21, 2011       Vol. IV, No. 13 Blowback: Unintended, Harmful Consequences This report is an

[[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/How-Far-Right-Can-GOP-Push-NC.mp3|titles=How Far Right Can GOP Push NC]]

“Originally, blowback was CIA internal coinage denoting the unintended, harmful consequences – to friendly populations and military forces – when a given weapon is carelessly used.” en.wikipedia.org     Search: blowback

Post June 21, 2011       Vol. IV, No. 13

Blowback: Unintended, Harmful Consequences

This report is an analysis of the long-term political implications of the just-ended historic session of the North Carolina General Assembly.  Although the implications apply to both parties, the primary focus is the evaluation of the legislative actions taken by the Republican majority.

First, my sincerest congratulations to the first GOP majority in the NC General Assembly since 1870 on their many good successes.  You do not have to be a Republican to appreciate the inherent value of giving the leadership reins to new faces and seeing them try new ideas on intractable problems.

However, the long-term political prospects for Republicans are dependant on whether those ideas work.  They are also dependent on whether Republicans try to push North Carolinians too far to the right.

Political power is like a weapon that if carelessly used will cause unintended, harmful consequences … blowback.  Barack Obama and the Democratic Party found that out in 2010.

Three Secrets for a Long-term Republican Majority

Republicans won the opportunity to lead the state by staying focused on jobs and the economy during the 2010 campaigns at a time of great economic crisis.  They also won the opportunity to lead the state because the voters lost confidence in the Democrats and there were no other choices on the ballot.

Most voters could care less what the party affiliation is of the team that restores financial health and fiscal sanity to our nation and state.  Likewise, most voters could care less what the ideological label is pinned to the solution to turning around our dreadful unemployment numbers.

Secret #1:  Lead from the Center

North Carolinians did not have a partisan conversion experience in 2010.  This is not a Republican state.  This is not a Democratic state.  This is a center-right battleground state where no political party has a majority and where independent moderates decide the outcome of all statewide races.

Take a look at the Gallup study of the party affiliation shift away from Democrats in the states from 2008 to 2010.  North Carolina is among the states with the least change in party affiliation.

Gallup 2/21/2011: Number of Solidly Democratic States Cut in Half From ’08 to ‘10

North Carolina is among the states with the least change in party affiliation.

  • In February, Gallup released a study of party affiliation in the states showing that Democrats lost ground in every single state and the District of Columbia from 2008 to 2010.
  • The greatest losses were in states like Rhode Island (-12.2%), New Hampshire (-11.3%), Maine (-10.9%) and Hawaii (-10.1%).
  • North Carolina, with a -4.0% loss for Democrats, was among the states with the least change.
  • As to rank, 43 states showed greater losses for Democrats than North Carolina.
  • According to Gallup, North Carolina is a “Lean Democratic” state.

The voters who elected Barack Obama still live here.

Secret #2:  Own education.

Barack Obama made a big mistake by pushing his personal agenda ahead of the priorities of a majority of the voters in the country.  He wanted healthcare.  They wanted jobs.  It cost him and his party the majority in Congress and in many state legislatures including ours.

The priorities of the people who have denied the GOP a majority in the General Assembly for 140 years have not changed.  Granted, right now their number one priority is jobs and the economy.  However, despite the economic crisis, education remains a close second.

Republicans must own education.

The May poll results from Civitas show education as more important to North Carolinians than all items tested except jobs and the economy.

Civitas Institute 5/10-11/2011: May Poll Results – North Carolina Statewide Voter Survey

Education ranks #2 as the most important issue.

  • Civitas poll question: “For each issue, tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how important that issue is in terms of how you will vote in the next North Carolina legislative election.”
  • Education was ranked #2 as the most important issue in terms of how voters will vote in the next North Carolina legislative elections, second only to “economy and jobs.”
  • Click on the link above and go to questions 10 through 16 and you will see that “education” was seen as more important in deciding how to vote next year than “government spending, government ethics and corruption, taxes, immigration, and roads/highways.”

Secret #3:  Compassionate conservatism.

Newt Gingrich and the congressional Republicans lost the majority after the last great Republican revolution because they were perceived as lacking in compassion.  That’s why I believe that the biggest mistake made by Republicans during their first turn at the helm was using unemployment benefits as a trump card in their budget battle with the governor.

Hard-line conservatism will get you in political hot water in the new North Carolina.

Take a look at a Gallup study below and compare the liberal, moderate and conservative leanings of voters in the different states based on 350,000 responses to polling during 2010.

Gallup 2/25/2011:  Mississippi Rates as the Most Conservative U.S. State

North Carolina, Virginia and Florida are the least conservative Southern states.

  • In February, Gallup released a study of political ideology in the states showing that conservatives outnumber liberals in every U.S. state.
  • Only the District of Columbia has more liberals than conservatives.
  • The top 10 most conservative states are Mississippi, Idaho, Alabama, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Carolina and Arkansas.
  • The top 10 most liberal states are District of Columbia, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Oregon, Colorado, Washington and New Jersey.
  • North Carolina, Virginia and Florida are the least conservative Southern states and the only states in the South carried by President Barack Obama.
  • As to rank, 21 states are more conservative than North Carolina.

NC statewide polls by Civitas Institute 5/10-11/2011 May Poll Results – North Carolina Statewide Voter Survey and by Public Policy Polling 6/8-11/2011 June Poll Results – North Carolina Statewide Voter Survey showed the same percentage of conservatives: PPP 44%; Civitas 43%.

Compassionate conservatism shows strength of character and is appreciated by most voters.  Maybe the perceived lack of compassion for the unemployed is why the same PPP poll shows significantly greater unfavorable voter opinion of Republicans (46%) than favorable (33%).  After all, voters supported extending unemployment benefits by 2-to-1 (60% support; 29% oppose).

So, how far right can North Carolina Republicans push their conservative legislative agenda without creating a political blowback?  Not that far in North Carolina.  It’s not a conservative Republican state.

– END –

Subscribe to the John Davis Political Report here. July 4th 1/2 Price Sale!  Only $245 for Premium Annual Subscription!

Please consider making a donation to help defray costs of research here. Scroll down for the “Donate” button in the right sidebar on the home page.

Legal Mischief: Political Realities of Redistricting; Cong. Miller’s Millstone: Sen. Rucho’s Right of Retributive Justice

by johndavis, May 26, 2011

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/JDPR-5-26-11-Legal-Mischief1.mp3|titles=JDPR 5 26 11 Legal Mischief] Note: This report is based on research done in preparation for presentations last week to the NC Bar Assn. Foundation CLE Dept. at the Norman A. Wiggins School of Law, Campbell University, Raleigh, and a presentation to the NC Dental Society’s Political Action Committee at their Annual Meeting in

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/JDPR-5-26-11-Legal-Mischief1.mp3|titles=JDPR 5 26 11 Legal Mischief]

Note: This report is based on research done in preparation for presentations last week to the NC Bar Assn. Foundation CLE Dept. at the Norman A. Wiggins School of Law, Campbell University, Raleigh, and a presentation to the NC Dental Society’s Political Action Committee at their Annual Meeting in Myrtle Beach. If you are interested in a presentation on the political implications of redistricting for 2012 politics, click here.

Most Fun You Can Legally Have

Mercedes Benz has an ad on TV claiming that driving one of their “C Class” cars is the most fun you can legally have. Wrong. Drawing your political party an advantage over a $20 billion budget for the next 10 years while disrupting the opposition without getting indicted … now that’s the most fun you can legally have.

You can’t govern if you don’t win a majority of the legislative seats. One of the best ways to stack the deck in your favor is to draw a majority of seats predisposed to choosing your candidates. But only the party in the majority after each census can claim the drawing tools. In 2011, it’s the Republicans.

Miller’s Millstone: Rucho’s Right of Retributive Justice

US Congressman Brad Miller, D-Wake, is serving his last term whether he has accepted his fate or not. Why? He “double-bunked” the Chairman of the NC Senate Redistricting Committee 10 years ago.

No one understands the devastating political consequences of redistricting better than someone who got “double-bunked” by the majority party mapmakers. Double-bunking occurs when two incumbents from the same party are drawn into the same district. If you are double-bunked you have two choices: run against each other in a brutal and expensive primary, or someone has to agree to go home.

That’s what happened 10 years ago … to none other than Sen. Bob Rucho, R-Mecklenburg, the current Chairman of the Senate Redistricting Committee. Who served as Chairman of NC Senate Redistricting Committee 10 years ago? None other than US Congressman Brad Miller.

Then-state Senator Brad Miller put GOP Senators Robert Pittenger and Bob Rucho, both from Mecklenburg County, in the same district. Rucho decided to bow out rather than risk a fortune trying to beat one of the wealthiest members of the state Senate in a primary race in an expensive media market.

Sen. Rucho went home and practiced dentistry for most of the decade. Then-Sen. Brad Miller drew himself a safe Democratic U.S. House seat (connects Raleigh and Greensboro by way of the Virginia border counties) and spent the remainder of the decade as a member of the United States Congress.

In 2008, Sen. Pittenger resigned. Bob Rucho was appointed to fill his unexpired term. In 2010, the GOP won a 31-19 majority in the NC Senate. Now, low and behold, look who is chairing the NC Senate Redistricting Committee!!! None other than Sen. Bob Rucho.

Miller is history.

A couple of other Democrats in the congressional delegation also need to be pricing moving companies for the big haul back to their respective hometowns. According to press accounts: Mike McIntire, D-Robeson and Larry Kissell, D-Montgomery are the #2 and #3 GOP targets after Miller, followed by Heath Shuler, D-Swain. We will find out who has a target on their backs in a couple of weeks.

Remedy for Overindulging at the Smorgasbord of Legal Mischief

The modern era of remapping congressional and legislative districts typically begins with the majority party overindulging at the smorgasbord of partisan mischief, only to have the minority party lawyers file suits against the maps … suits that receive an unfavorable ruling by majority party judges but are eventually reversed and remanded by the minority party appellate courts and ultimately appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court which hands down a 5-4 decision going one way or the other depending on which party was in the White House at the time of the most recent retirement of a justice. Or, so it seems.

In June, the new Republican versions of congressional and state legislative maps will be unveiled. This much you can count on: Step 1: Republicans will draw themselves a political advantage. Step 2: the state or federal courts or the Obama Justice Department will take much of that advantage away.

In 2001, North Carolina Senate Democrats drew themselves 28 friendly districts and gave the GOP Senators 16. There were six swing Senate districts. Likewise, the North Carolina House Democrats drew themselves 59 friendly districts and gave the GOP 47. There were 14 swing House districts.

Republicans sued. Ultimately, after two years of legal filings, hearings and a dozen rulings, the courts leveled the playing field. Among the 50 Senate districts approved in 2003, 24 favored Democrats, 22 favored Republicans, and four were swing districts. Among the 120 House districts approved in 2003, 51 favored Democrats and 55 favored Republicans. There were 14 Swing districts.

Maps Give You a Head Start; Money Wins the Race

Democrats made up for their losses in the courts by parlaying their political power into a fundraising advantage, outspending Republicans 3-to-1 in legislative races for the remainder of the decade, thereby reestablishing their dominance. Maps give you a head start. Money wins the race.

Republicans were never able to build on the good success of their redistricting litigation, even in GOP-friendly years, because of their inability to raise a competitive war chest.

The financial disparity changed in 2010, primarily because the Democratic leadership imploded under the strain of the worst recession since the Great Depression, high legislative and party leadership turnover, political scandal, and a President who could no longer inspire turnout. While Democrats floundered, Republicans united behind a strong team of political leadership and attained unprecedented fundraising success … and unprecedented political success with the takeover of the General Assembly.

In 2008, NC Senate Democrats raised $9.7 million, doubling the $4.1 million raised by NC Senate Republicans. In 2010, NC Senate Democrats raised only $8.8 million, down 9.1%, while NC Senate Republicans achieved an unprecedented 93.1% increase over 2008 with $7.9 million.

In 2008, NC House Democrats raised $9.7 million, tripling the $3.4 million raised by NC House Republicans. In 2010, NC House Democrats raised $9.7 million again, while NC House Republicans doubled their 2008 total with $6.8 million, a 102% increase.

The odds of another election year during which everything goes wrong for the Democrats while the GOP is doing everything right are slim to none. Maps give you a head start. Money wins the race.

Past Legal Mischief Foretells the Legal Mischief Coming in June

Last Thursday, I served on a panel on redistricting sponsored by the NC Bar Assn. Foundation CLE Department. Panelists included Rep. David Lewis, R-Harnett, Chmn. of the NC House Redistricting Committee, Sen. Dan Blue, D-Wake, former Chmn. of the NC House Redistricting Committee, and Rep. Leo Daughtry, R-Johnston, a member of the NC House Redistricting Committee.

Rep. Daughtry reminded us that he was a state senator prior to the 1990 redistricting, when he was mapped out of his home territory and forced to run for the House. Daughtry also reminded us that in 2000 he and GOP House member Billy Creech were “double bunked” into the same district. Creech retired.

NC Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, R-Watauga was state Sen. Virginia Foxx 10 years ago when she was double-bunked with Sen. John Garwood, R-Wilkes. Foxx chose to run for US Congress instead. NC Congressman Patrick McHenry, R-Gaston was state Rep. Patrick McHenry 10 years ago when he was double-bunked with Rep. John Rayfield, R-Gaston. He chose to run for US Congress.

This is what you can expect in a couple of weeks, except that it will be the Democrats who will suffer at the hands of Republican map makers. And it will all be legal … legal mischief nonetheless, and the most fun you can legally have!

Remember, Democrats set the standard of fairness for redistricting congressional and legislative districts in North Carolina, and you can count on Republicans to lower themselves to that same standard.

– END –

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The Best Hope in 2012 for Gov. Perdue and the Democrats is Republicans

by johndavis, April 26, 2011

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Jack-Betts-Blog-Apr-26-2011.mp3|titles=Jack Betts Blog Apr 26 2011] “Republicans must think long term if they want to govern long term.” Note: I received an email last Friday from Jack Betts, an associate editor and senior political writer with the Charlotte Observer, with the question, “What would have to happen for Republicans to lose their advantage in the

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Jack-Betts-Blog-Apr-26-2011.mp3|titles=Jack Betts Blog Apr 26 2011]

Republicans must think long term if they want to govern long term.

Note: I received an email last Friday from Jack Betts, an associate editor and senior political writer with the Charlotte Observer, with the question, “What would have to happen for Republicans to lose their advantage in the N.C. General Assembly to Democrats in the next election?” My reply appeared in Betts’ blog, This Old State.  Here is the blog in its entirety:

I asked John Davis, a Raleigh political consultant and editor of the John Davis Political Report, what would have to happen for Republicans to lose their advantage in the N.C. General Assembly to Democrats in the next election. Like me, John doesn’t see that happening, but he also sees that it could happen if the GOP squanders its standing with voters. That’s the best hope Democrats have for the next elections, he says, though a lot depends on who raises big money.  He also thinks Republicans will take the U.S. Senate in 2012 as well, and Pat McCrory may win the governorship.

Here’s what he had to say:

Republicans could fritter away their advantage with one of their classic internal feuds between disgruntled conservatives who demand instant gratification and party pragmatists with a long term view. It’s a delicate balance.

On one hand, if the leadership does not handle the conservatives carefully, it could rekindle the Tea Party, leading to costly primaries and a divided base. On the other hand, if the leaders go out of their way to appease conservatives as a preemptive tactic to keep them in the fold, then they risk the loss of independent voters … especially urban moderates.

Very delicate.

Republicans must think long term if they want to govern long term.

The other thing to look for is the money. Democrats raided GOP territory for years because they had the extra money to compete for and win Republican districts like those held at one time by Democratic Senators Snow, Queen, Goss, Foriest, Boseman, Hoyle and Soles. In other words, the money mattered more than the way the districts were drawn.

The big question mark flashing in my mind is the money. Can Democrats go back to the same well that has been their bottomless source of campaign financing for decades and get enough money to be competitive in the swing districts? A lot of that will be determined by Obama and whether his campaign will target NC for another win in the fall of 2012.

If Obama raises his $1 billion goal, he will likely reinvest in NC … HQs and paid staff to manage thousands of vols who are seasoned at registering and turning out their voters. If that begins to unfold next Summer, then the political investment community will hedge their bets, thereby giving Dems a fighting chance.

My sense is that the eco is breaking favorably for the establishment and that the likely outcome is a status quo year. Obama wins easily, the US House tightens back up and the Rs take the US Senate just because of the way the deck is stacked in 2012 in their favor.

The Rs may take the NC Gov mansion because Perdue is not a strong candidate. Watch her fund-raising closely. The Rs are likely to hold both chambers in NC … unless they blow their opportunity as they have many times in the past.

Bottom line: The best hope for Perdue and the Democrats is Republicans.

– END –

Posted by Jack Betts at 8:58 AM

Read more: http://jackbetts.blogspot.com/2011/04/analyst-dems-best-hope-is-repubs.html#ixzz1KeheAZU0

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Marc Basnight’s Best Friend: How a day of clearing tornado debris led to the front porch of Raleigh’s integration history

by johndavis, April 21, 2011

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/April-21-Marc-Basnights-Best-Friend.mp3|titles=April 21 Marc Basnight’s Best Friend] “If you see him, tell him I said to ‘take it easy.’ But he doesn’t know how to do that.” Hubert Poole, former NC Senate Sergeant at Arms, speaking about Sen. Marc Basnight Note:  In light of the tornado disaster, with flags flying at half-mast in honor of those

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/April-21-Marc-Basnights-Best-Friend.mp3|titles=April 21 Marc Basnight’s Best Friend]

“If you see him, tell him I said to ‘take it easy.’ But he doesn’t know how to do that.”

Hubert Poole, former NC Senate Sergeant at Arms, speaking about Sen. Marc Basnight

Note:  In light of the tornado disaster, with flags flying at half-mast in honor of those who lost their lives in North Carolina, I thought it more appropriate to write about something other than politics.  This is about a happenstance talk with Marc Basnight’s best friend yesterday while cleaning up storm debris.

Early Response Team

A couple months back, my wife and I decided to sign up for an Early Response Team training program sponsored through our church by the Office of Emergency Services of the United Methodist Committee on Relief.  Little did we know how soon our training would be needed.

When the devastating news began to be reported about the extent of destruction and loss of life caused by tornadoes here in North Carolina last Saturday, we knew that the phone call or e-mail would be coming soon.  After all, five thousand homes were damaged here in Wake County.

Early Response Team training focuses on mitigating the damage to homes caused by natural disasters.  One of the most common tasks is getting trees off houses and covering gaping holes in roofs with tarps to keep the rain from causing further damage.

On Monday, the expected email arrived. The Early Response Team at Hayes Barton United Methodist Church was needed on Wednesday to help get trees off the houses of elderly homeowners … including the home of the parents of Bettye Poole, a member of our Sunday School class.

The center on Shaw University’s 1947 CIAA Championship team

On Wednesday morning, I joined the group of 10 volunteers in front of the church.  We were briefed about the tree removal work that we would be doing in the Madonna Acres neighborhood near St. Augustine’s College.  We were assigned 8 homes, and would begin with Bettye Poole’s parents.

It was surreal to drive through Raleigh’s beautifully groomed neighborhoods and then turn right on Delany Drive and see total destruction.  Trees were down everywhere.  Not a house was spared.  The utility crews were already there replacing downed power lines.

Within minutes the roar of chainsaws signaled that the work had begun.  No one had to be assigned a task.  Everyone just began to cut and drag limbs to the street.

After several hours of removing debris, I decided to take a break.  I noticed that Betty Poole’s 85-year-old father was sitting on the porch watching us work.  I went over and introduced myself.  Thus began one of those memorable conversations that life treats us to once in a blue moon.

Turns out that Hubert Poole, a Marine during WWII, had been the center on Shaw University’s 1947 CIAA Championship basketball team.  He had also been a teacher and coach at Ligon High School here in Raleigh when it was an all-black school during segregation.  I told him about my first job as a seventh grade English teacher at an all-black school in Marion County, Mississippi … two years prior to integration.

We traded stories about the awkward and sometimes hostile experiences of public school integration.

In Mississippi, public schools were integrated in January 1970.  It had been 16 years since the US Supreme Court rendered segregated schools unconstitutional in the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education decision.  Since that time, the priority of the white only administrators in Marion County had been avoiding integration.  No attempt had been made to develop an orderly process for matters like assigning teachers to schools … and classes to teachers.

Assigning teachers to schools by drawing names out of a box

In December before integration was to begin, teachers were notified by the administration to assemble in a gymnasium for the purpose of assigning teachers to schools.  Upon arrival, we were shocked to learn that our assigned schools would be chosen by drawing names out of a box.  Each principal would draw names of teachers until the number of teachers to be assigned to that school was reached.  No consideration was given to matters like the subject we were trained to teach.

We were assured that the assignment would be temporary, only from January until the end of the school year in May.  That would give the county school officials time to come up with a more suitable means of assigning teachers to schools.  We all sat silently.  No one dared say anything.  That’s how awkward the racial atmosphere was during the early days of integration.

I will never forget the introduction of the principals by the white Marion County School Superintendent at the meeting in the gymnasium.  He introduced the white principals as “Mr. Smith” or “Mr. Jones,” and introduced the black principals by their first names only … “James,” or “William.”  Looking back, I shake my head at the thought that he didn’t realize the extent of his disrespect.  Little had changed since the days when slave owners listed their slaves by first name only along with other inventory when their estates were settled: “1 Negro boy, James, age 45”  “1 Negro boy, William, age 53.”

My name was drawn by “Mr.” Mabry, principal at the all white Bunker Hill School on the all white side of the county.  Bunker Hill School was a long, ranch style wooden building, with two wings of classrooms, four on each wing, separated by the library, lunch room and the principal’s office.  Bunker Hill School was first grade through eighth grade.  There was no kindergarten.

The black and white teachers “assigned” to Bunker Hill met with Mr. Mabry a couple of days before school was to begin to discuss class assignments.  He began by saying that under the circumstances, the only way he knew to make class assignments fairly was for teachers to select their classes in the order of seniority.  He had written the names of the subjects to be taught on the blackboard.  The older teachers went first, getting to chose subjects and the grade level with which they had training and experience.

I was the youngest teacher, and the last to choose.  There was nothing left to choose.  I was stuck with 7th grade Science, 8th grade American History, 6th grade Boys Physical Education, and two Study Halls.  Remember, I had been a 7th grade English teacher.  Irrelevant.

As I entered the building on the first day of school, I had to run the gauntlet of angry white parents loitering on both sides of the hallway.  “He’s one of the nigger teachers,” I heard someone say.

Marc Basnight’s best friend

All of these experiences came back as I sat on the front porch with Hubert Poole yesterday listening to him talk about integration here in Raleigh; about pickup trucks with gun racks and hostile students.

After retiring from a life-long teaching career, Hubert Poole became Sergeant at Arms in the North Carolina Senate.  Over two decades, he became a respected and beloved member of the Senate family.

“I started in the Senate at about the same time as Marc Basnight,” he told me, adding, “I’m Marc Basnight’s best friend.”

Poole went on to tell me about the kindnesses extended to him by Senators over the years, Democrats and Republicans, and how he knew what they were going to say on the floor before they said it.  I could have talked with Mr. Poole all afternoon, but it was time to get back to work.

As I was walked down the porch steps he said, “If you see Marc Basnight, tell him I said to take it easy.”  I knew just how well he knew Basnight when he added, “But he doesn’t know how to do that.”

Out of the devastation of a tornado, a conversation by happenstance took place yesterday with someone who had lived through the devastation of Jim Crow laws.  I am so pleased that as a member of the Early Response Team at Hayes Barton United Methodist Church I had the opportunity to help Hubert Poole mitigate the tornado damage to his property.  After all, he devoted his life to mitigating the damage of a segregated school system here in Wake County.

Hubert Poole was a member of segregation’s Early Response Team.

– END –

Please subscribe to the John Davis Political Report for the 2011-2012 election cycle.  The Premium subscription is $485 a year.  Subscribe online today at www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe.

The Advantage subscription is $4,850 per year.  This subscription covers the John Davis Political Report with unlimited distribution rights to your employees or trade association members, along with private political briefings for you, your employees and leadership team, all conducted personally by me at your offices or conference locations.  Call me if you are interested and I will come visit with you: 919-696-3859.


John N. Davis, John Davis Political Report

The $1 Billion Question: Can Obama Carry NC in 2012? The images in the campaign kickoff video disclose strategy

by johndavis, April 6, 2011

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/April-6-1-Billion-Question.mp3|titles=April 6 Billion Question] “I don’t agree with Obama on everything, but I respect him and I trust him.” “Ed from North Carolina,” featured in President Obama’s re-election kickoff video, Monday, April 4, 2011 Obama’s 2012 Campaign Strategy Disclosed in Video Released Monday Shhhhhhhhhhh.  If you want to get the inside scoop on Obama’s 2012

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/April-6-1-Billion-Question.mp3|titles=April 6 Billion Question]

“I don’t agree with Obama on everything, but I respect him and I trust him.”

“Ed from North Carolina,” featured in President Obama’s re-election kickoff video, Monday, April 4, 2011

Obama’s 2012 Campaign Strategy Disclosed in Video Released Monday

Shhhhhhhhhhh.  If you want to get the inside scoop on Obama’s 2012 campaign strategy, watch his kickoff video with the sound turned down.  The images say it all:  a farm, a church, a middle-income neighborhood, an American flag, Ed from North Carolina sitting on his front porch saying, “I don’t agree with Obama on everything, but I respect him and I trust him.” And then there are the mountains out West, a Hispanic family in the kitchen of their home, Obama speaking at a 2008 rally, a TV image of Fox News projecting Obama the winner of the 2008 Iowa Caucuses, lots of young people attending volunteer meetings, volunteers registering new voters, canvassing door-to-door for support, and making voter turnout calls from a phone bank.

The Obama campaign kickoff video, released Monday, ends with the theme: It begins with us.

Strategically, it looks like the 2008 massive ground game again.  But there’s one thing missing: enthusiastic volunteers.  Barack Obama was one of the most inspirational presidential contenders in U.S. history, especially for the 18-29 year-olds who volunteered by the millions to do the hard work of registering voters; volunteers who turned out record numbers of voters on Election Day.

However, in 2009 we discovered that those enthusiastic Obama voters were not loyal Democrats when their failure to turn out led to the defeat of the Democratic gubernatorial candidates in Virginia and New Jersey.  Again, in January 2010, a low turnout of Obama voters led to the shocking loss of Ted Kennedy’s seat to Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts, and a devastating “shellacking” of Democrats last fall throughout the country.

So, why are the Obama strategists introducing their 2012 campaign for re-election with a video that suggests another ground game? The answer is in a dollar figure: $1 billion, the fund-raising goal for the 2012 race.  You can buy a whole bunch of enthusiastic workers with $1 billion.

But, Can Obama Raise $1 Billion?  “Ummm, this ain’t rocket surgery folks.”

President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign for the White House was a spectacular event.  Using his skills honed as an inner city community organizer in Chicago, he won the race with 7 million more popular votes than any candidate in the history of presidential politics, employing 6,000 staffers who managed an all-volunteer army of 13 million enthusiastic workers.

Obama paid for his historic 2008 campaign by raising a $745 million campaign war chest, staggering when compared to the mere $368 million raised by the McCain camp; staggering when you consider that $500 million was raised online, most in increments of $100 or less.

David Plouffe, President Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, revealed their strategic secrets in his book The Audacity to Win.  He tells the story of how a startup group of rag tag recruits defeated the dream teams of both the Democrats and the Republicans with a once-in-a-lifetime-candidate, a single powerful message, “Change,” and a website used to organize and communicate with staff and volunteers.  Oh, also, a website used to raise money unlike any campaign.

In September 2008 alone, the Obama campaign raised $150 million; $100 million of that had been raised online as a result of 10 fund-raising e-mails.  “There were times when we were raising $250,000, $300,000, even $500,000 an hour,”[1]wrote Plouffe.

The reason Obama launched his campaign on Monday, April 4, is that by filing papers with the Federal Election Commission he is now allowed to raise money.  A New York Times story on Monday titled, Obama Opens 2012 Campaign, With Eye on Money and Independent Voters, says Obama, “… is preparing to undertake the most ambitious fund-raising effort by a sitting president.”  What will the money be used for?  “The money will not be used for television ads – this year, at least – but rather to hire an army of workers to begin organizing supporters.”

There you have it, a massive ground game.  Obama’s role?  Run the country and raise money.

Can Obama raise $1 billion?  Well, he is starting early, he is the sitting President of the United States, he raised $745 million in 2008, and he is committed to the most ambitious fund-raising effort ever.  As my favorite uncle once said, “This ain’t rocket surgery folks.”

We made ourselves unbeatable in North Carolina

Throughout the primary, the Obama campaign defied conventional wisdom by targeting those least likely to vote … like younger white voters, independents, newly registered African-American voters, and African-American voters who had voted sporadically in the past.

In North Carolina, they invested heavily in early turnout of non-habitual voters with radio and Internet ads pushing early voting.  They also sent e-mail and text messages to tens of thousands urging early voting; they called tens of thousands more and sent volunteers door-to-door.

On May 6, 2008, Primary Election Day exit polling here in North Carolina was so conclusive that the moment the polls closed the national networks declared Obama the winner over Clinton.

Plouffe recalls the 14-point blowout in his book this way:  “As the returns came in, we could see the traces of our strategy’s design: by registering over 100,000 new voters, producing strong turnout among African-Americans and young voters, and winning college-educated whites thanks to our stand against the gas tax, we made ourselves unbeatable in North Carolina.”[2]

Obama’s strategy for carrying North Carolina in November of 2008 was as unconventional as that of the May Primary Election.  He knew he could not defeat a Republican presidential nominee in the Old North State with TV ads, no matter how much money he spent.  His only hope was a massive ground game, registering and turning out non-traditional voters.

To carry out the unconventional strategy, the Obama campaign opened 47 headquarters in North Carolina and hired over 400 paid staff.  These young professionals were responsible for a record early voting total of 2.6 million (only 984,000 voted early in 2004), more voters than on Election Day.  Seven out of 10 of the early voters were either Democrats (51%) or Unaffiliated (19%).  African Americans comprised 28% of early voters, as compared to only 19% in 2004.

When the dust settled after Election Day, Obama had won North Carolina.  For the first time since 1960, North Carolina had elected Democratic sweep to the White House, the Governor’s Mansion and the U.S. Senate in the same election year.  An unconventional strategy produced an equally unconventional result: the first African American president, the first woman governor, and the first Democratic woman to represent the state in the U.S. Senate.

The $1 Billion Question: Can Obama Carry NC in 2012?

All of this brings me to the $1 billion question: Can Obama carry NC in 2012?

To answer that question, I need to remind you of this: John McCain was a weak nominee, too old and too boring; associated with one of the most unpopular presidents in U.S. history, and who blundered mightily by waiting until the last month to campaign in North Carolina.

If Republicans make that same mistake again, the answer is “yes,” Obama will surely invest a competitive amount of his $1 billion war chest in winning North Carolina and can surely win again with his unconventional ground game.  Slight gains in the nation’s economic condition are beginning to be reported.  If the economic trajectory is consistently upward, even if ever so slight, Obama’s job approval will return to 50% and he will win another term.

However, if Republicans field a strong presidential nominee … one who inspires the generosity of Republican donors and raises a conservative army of enthusiastic volunteers who will do the hard work of winning campaigns like registering and turning out voters, then the answer is “no,” Obama will not likely carry North Carolina again … even if he wins a second term handily.

Obama won North Carolina with only 14,177 out of 4.3 million.  He did everything right and his opponent did everything wrong.  The odds are that will not happen again.

– END –

[1] The Audacity to Win, by David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for Obama for America, page 327.

[2] The Audacity to Win, page 229.

Please subscribe to the John Davis Political Report for the 2011-2012 election cycle.  The Premium subscription is $485 a year.  Subscribe online today at www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe.

The Advantage subscription is $4,850 per year.  This subscription covers the John Davis Political Report with unlimited distribution rights to your employees or trade association members, along with private political briefings for you, your employees and leadership team, all conducted personally by me at your offices or conference locations.  Call me if you are interested and I will come visit with you: 919-696-3859.


John N. Davis, President

On the Death of Geraldine Ferraro: NC Women have Defeated Men in 23 of 31 Statewide Campaigns Since 2000

by johndavis, March 30, 2011

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/JDPR-MARCH-30-2011-Ferraro.mp3|titles=JDPR MARCH 30 2011 Ferraro] “Do not put such unlimited powers into the hands of the Husbands.  Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.  If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies, we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/JDPR-MARCH-30-2011-Ferraro.mp3|titles=JDPR MARCH 30 2011 Ferraro]

“Do not put such unlimited powers into the hands of the Husbands.  Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.  If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies, we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.”

From a letter written by Abigail Adams to her husband, John,
who was attending the Continental Congress, March 31, 1776

We know better than to repeal our Masculine systems

When Abigail Adams threatened in her March 31, 1776 letter to her husband, John, that women would “foment a Rebellion” if they were not given a say in the new laws of the land, he wrote in reply, “We know better than to repeal our Masculine systems.”

The exchange between Abigail and John Adams amplifies the most important conclusion in this report:  women were not given equal rights by men, they had to seize them.

March is National Women’s History Month.  The 2011 theme is, “Our History is Our Strength.”  President Obama issued a proclamation in which he stated that this is the month during which, “we reflect on the extraordinary accomplishments of women and honor their role in shaping the course of our Nation’s history.”

Likewise, Gov. Beverly Perdue, North Carolina’s first woman governor, formally announced Women’s History Month with a proclamation that included this bit of history: “WHEREAS, in 1774, fifty-one women organized the Edenton Tea Party, one of the earliest political acts taken by North Carolina women in protest of the taxation of the colonies without representation within the British government.”

This report is written in honor of Women’s History Month and on the occasion of the death of Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman Vice Presidential candidate of a major political party in American history (Mondale/Ferraro defeated in 1984 by Reagan/Bush).  Although she did not live to realize her dream of attending “the inauguration of first woman president of the United States,” surely she must have been made proud a thousand times over as women, inspired in part by her example, seized opportunities to lead throughout every walk of life.

Women Governors and State Executive Elective Offices

North Carolina Leads the South with Women Elected to State Executive Offices

State Executive Elective Offices: In 2011, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers, women hold 69 of the nation’s 317 state executive elective offices (38 Democrats, 30 Republicans, and one independent) … including six governorships.

Gov. Beverly Perdue, North Carolina’s first women governor, chairs the Council of State, comprised of 9 statewide executive elective offices.  Women hold 5 of the 9 positions, including Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, Commissioner of Labor Cherie Berry, Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson, State Treasurer Janet Cowell and State Auditor Beth Wood.

In addition to Gov. Perdue here in North Carolina, Oklahoma has a Democrat woman governor.  There are four Republican women serving as governor, including Arizona, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and New Mexico.

  • Ella Grasso (D-CT) was the first woman governor elected in her own right (1974)
  • 34 women have served as governor in 26 states (19 Democrats, 15 Republicans)
  • All but 3 women governors have been elected since Ferraro’s 1984 VP race[1]
  • NC leads the South in 2011 with 6 women elected to state executive offices (5D, 1R)
  • Women currently serving in state executive elective offices in Southern states: AL 5, OK 3, FL 2, TX 2, KY 2, AR 1, SC 1
  • GA, VA, TN, LA and MS have “0” women serving in state executive elective offices

North Carolina’s Battle of the Sexes since 2000: Women 23, Men 8

In 1996, Elaine Marshall, a Democrat from Lillington, became North Carolina’s first woman elected to a statewide executive office.  Marshall out-raced her GOP opponent, “The King” of NASCAR, Richard Petty, by several car lengths.

Since November 2000, there have been 31 statewide general election races in North Carolina that pitted a man against a woman, including state judiciary offices, state executive offices, and federal statewide offices.  Women have won 23 of those 31 races, including two women elected to the U.S. Senate, Elizabeth Dole, a Republican, and Kay Hagan, a Democrat.

As a result of those 23 statewide wins, women have the majority of the Council of State and the North Carolina Supreme Court.  The seven-member court includes Chief Justice Sarah Parker, Justice Patricia Timmons-Goodson (NC’s first African American woman on the court), Justice Robin Hudson and Justice Barbara Jackson.

The North Carolina Court of Appeals had an 8/7 female majority until Gov. Perdue appointed Judge Cressie Thigpen in January to fill the unexpired term of Judge Barbara Jackson, shifting the Court of Appeals to 8/7 male judges.

A toilet, not a urinal, in the judge’s chambers … or go to jail!

Susie Sharp was the first woman to serve on the North Carolina Supreme Court.  She was appointed in 1962 by Democratic Gov. Terry Sanford to fill an unexpired term.  Rhoda Billings was the first Republican woman on the Supreme Court, appointed by GOP Gov. Jim Martin.  In 1986, Justice Billings was appointed Chief Justice, the first Republican woman.

In 1974, Sharp became the first female in the U.S. to be elected Chief Justice of a state Supreme Court, with a landslide 74% of the vote.  However, in the early days of her distinguished career, while serving as the state’s first woman Superior Court Judge, she was not so well received.

On the occasion of the unveiling of Sharp’s portrait at the Supreme Court in 1996, Franklin Freeman, a former Associate Justice, gave the formal address in which he told the story of her confrontation with Burke County commissioners over the matter of the need for a toilet in the judge’s chambers.

“The Burke County commissioners refused, upon learning of her assignment to their county, to modify the only bathroom facilities in the judge’s chambers; a sink and a urinal that hung on the wall. Judge Sharp opened court on Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. and ordered the sheriff to “invite” the county commissioners over to the courthouse. By 11:00, the courthouse was aflutter with the scurrying about of plumbers, carpenters, and electricians, while the county commissioners narrowly avoided a few nights repose in the county jail.”

Restated for emphasis: women were not given equal rights by men, they had to seize them.

Here are the 31 statewide races in North Carolina since election year 2000 that pitted a woman candidate against a man:

Election Year 2000

Secretary of State

Elaine Marshall (D) defeated Harris Blake (R)

Commissioner of Labor

Cherie Berry (R) defeated Doug Berger (D)

Commissioner of Agriculture

Meg Phipps (D) defeated Steve Troxler (R)

Court of Appeals

Robin Hudson (D) defeated Paul Stam (R)

John Martin (D) defeated Wendy Enochs (R)

Election Year 2002

U.S. Senate

Elizabeth Dole (R) defeated Erskine Bowles (D)

Court of Appeals

Martha Geer (D) defeated Bill Constangy (R)

Sanford Steelman (R) defeated Loretta Biggs (D)

Election Year 2004

Lt. Governor

Beverly Perdue (D) defeated Jim Snyder (R)

Superintendent of Public Instruction

June Atkinson (D) defeated Bill Fletcher (R)

Commissioner of Labor

Cherie Berry(R) defeated Wayne Goodwin (D)

Supreme Court

Sarah Parker (D) defeated John Tyson (R)

Court of Appeals

Linda McGee (D) defeated Bill Parker (R)

Barbara Jackson (R) defeated Alan Thornburg (D)

Election Year 2006

Supreme Court

Sarah Parker (D) defeated Rusty Duke (R)

Patricia Timmons-Goodson (D) defeated Eric Levinson (R)

Mark Martin (R) defeated Rachel Lea Hunter (D)

Election Year 2008


Obama/Biden (D) defeated McCain/Palin (R)


Beverly Perdue (D) defeated Pat McCrory (R)

Secretary of State

Elaine Marshall (D) defeated Jack Sawyer (R)


Beth Wood (D) defeated Les Merritt (R)


Janet Cowell (D) defeated Bill Daughtridge (R)

Superintendent of Public Instruction

June Atkinson (D) defeated Richard Morgan (R)

Supreme Court Justice

Justice Robert Edmunds (R) defeated Suzanne Reynolds (D)

Court of Appeals Judge

Judge Linda Stephens (D) defeated Dan Barrett (R)

Cheri Beasley (D) defeated Doug McCullough (R)

Sam Ervin IV (D) defeated Kristen Ruth (D)

Judge Jim Wynn (D) defeated Jewel Ann Farlow (R)

Election Year 2010

United States Senate

Sen. Richard Burr (R) defeated Secretary of State Elaine Marshall (D)

Supreme Court Justice

Judge Barbara Jackson (R) defeated Judge Bob Hunter (D)

Court of Appeals Judge

Judge Martha Geer (D) defeated Dean Poirier (R)

Ferraro’s Dream: the inauguration of the first woman US President

When Abigail Adams wrote to her husband on March 31, 1776, “If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies, we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or Representation,” little did she know that the “Rebellion” would take two centuries.

John Adams would follow George Washington as the nation’s chief executive, elected President of the United States in 1796.  It would be exactly 200 years later, 1996, before the first woman would serve in an executive role as important as Secretary of State of the United States … the highest-ranking cabinet secretary in line of succession in the event of the death or incapacity of the president. Her name was Madeleine Korbel Albright.

Madeleine Albright was born in Prague, the daughter of a Czech diplomat.  She was appointed Secretary of State in 1996 by President Bill Clinton, becoming the 64th US Secretary of State.  Since Albright, two women have been appointed Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, appointed by Republican President G.W. Bush in 2005, and the current US Secretary of State, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama in 2009.

Although Geraldine Ferraro died last week before realizing her dream of attending “the inauguration of first woman president of the United States,” surely she took great pride in just how close Hillary Clinton came to winning the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, and in seeing another woman run on a major party presidential ticket with the selection of Sarah Palin by GOP presidential nominee John McCain.

She didn’t live to see a woman president, but she lived to see tens of thousands of women elected to governmental service and ascend to the highest positions of respect and authority in public and private life; she lived to see tens of millions of women seize their equal rights and opportunities.

One day these awe inspiring words will be spoken, and when they are, we will remember Geraldine Ferraro: “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States and Mister ….”

[1] Refers to women elected in their own right.

Please subscribe to the John Davis Political Report for the 2011-2012 election cycle.  The Premium subscription is $485 a year.  Subscribe online today at www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe.

The Advantage subscription is $4,850 per year.  This subscription covers the John Davis Political Report with unlimited distribution rights to your employees or trade association members, along with private political briefings for you, your employees and leadership team, all conducted personally by me at your offices or conference locations.  Call me if you are interested and I will come visit with you: 919-696-3859.


John N. Davis, President

Precedent Arguing for a Pardon of NC Gov. William Woods Holden, who was Impeached, Convicted and Removed from Office in 1871 for Taking a Stand against the KKK

by johndavis, March 23, 2011

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Audio-Mar-23.mp3|titles=Audio Mar 23] “In Caswell County, the Klan trapped Republican State Sen. John W. Stephens in the county courthouse and cut his throat and stabbed him in the heart. At the time Stephens was collecting evidence of Klan activity for the governor.” News & Observer, March 15, 2011, story by Rob Christensen, Author of The

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Audio-Mar-23.mp3|titles=Audio Mar 23]

“In Caswell County, the Klan trapped Republican State Sen. John W. Stephens in the county courthouse and cut his throat and stabbed him in the heart. At the time Stephens was collecting evidence of Klan activity for the governor.”

News & Observer, March 15, 2011, story by Rob Christensen,

Author of The Paradox of Tar Heel Politics

NOTE: In a departure from the usual content of my report, this is a statement about the importance of today’s consideration by the NC Senate of the pardon of Gov. W.W. Holden.

Precedent for State Atonement – Pope John Paul II Admits that the Roman Catholic Church Erred in Condemning Galileo 359 Years Ago

On October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II acknowledged in a speech before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences that the Roman Catholic Church had wrongfully condemned Galileo 359 years earlier for asserting that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

In order to keep from being burned at the stake, Galileo (1564-1642), the father of modern science, recanted his scientific findings and spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.

In North Carolina, a mere 140 years ago, the state Senate convicted Governor W.W. Holden on six impeachment charges related to his efforts to quell violence by the Ku Klux Klan in Alamance and Caswell counties.  He was the first governor in American history to be impeached, convicted and removed from office.  The Senate is considering a pardon.

They cut the Senator’s throat and stabbed him in the heart

In a March 15 News & Observer story, political writer Rob Christensen notes that the violent acts committed by the Klan included arson, lynching and political assassination … including the assassination of a white Republican sheriff and state Senator.  “Two Klan murders were particularly high profile,” writes Christensen.  “The Klan hanged Wyatt Outlaw, the leader of the black Republicans in Alamance County, in the town square of Graham.  In Caswell County, the Klan trapped Republican state Sen. John W. Stephens in the county courthouse and cut his throat and stabbed him in the heart. At the time Stephens was collecting evidence of Klan activity for the governor. Twenty-one other people, black and white, in Caswell County were whipped.”

Under Holden’s orders, the state militia took control of the Alamance and Caswell county courthouses and arrested more than 100 accused Klan members.  The six charges leading to his impeachment, conviction and removal from office resulted from these actions.

The bill seeking to pardon Gov. Holden is cosponsored by Sen. Neal Hunt, a Wake County Republican, and Sen. Dan Blue, a Wake County Democrat.  Three of North Carolina’s former governors, Democrat Jim Hunt and Republicans Jim Martin and Jim Holshouser, have written legislative leaders in support of the pardon.

Precedent for Acts of State Atonement

In the late 1990s, I was researching the political implications of the coming of a new millennium.  Although ultimately the longest period of economic expansion in US history drove the politics of the millennium era, I did discover an unusual phenomenon: worldwide acts of atonement.

Throughout the final decade of the last millennium, countries throughout the world sought to begin the new millennium with a clean slate by admitting to their past wrongs.  The acknowledgment by Pope John Paul II that the Roman Catholic Church had wrongfully condemned Galileo 359 years earlier for asserting that the Earth revolves around the Sun is an example of what I found.  Here are a few others:

  • Jan 19, 1998 – Ottawa apologized for its role in running aboriginal residential schools, which have become notorious for the sexual and physical abuse inflicted upon native children. The long-awaited apology brought back painful memories among Canada’s 1.3 million aboriginals.
  • December 29, 1998 – Two top Khmer Rouge leaders issued the first public apology for their role in the deaths of 1.7 million Cambodians during the “killing fields” of the 1970s.  Khmer Rouge, a Maoist revolutionary, enslaved Cambodians in labor camps where one in five starved to death, died from disease, or were executed.
  • February, 1993 – French President Mitterrand announced the establishment of a National Remembrance Day “… in memory of the anti-Semitic acts of persecution …” committed by the government of France during WWII.  This is the first time a French head of state has officially recognized the government’s role in the Jewish holocaust.
  • January, 1995 – On the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, German Catholic bishops issued a statement admitting that Catholic Christians should share responsibility for the evils of the Holocaust.  The bishops stated that during the era of Hitler’s Third Reich, “… Christians did not carry out the required resistance to racist anti-Semitism.”
  • March 13, 1999 – “With profound pain and humbleness we ask for forgiveness …” began the statement of apology from the leader of Guatemala’s former leftist rebel army.  The apology was for the excessive abuses committed during Guatemala’s 36-year civil war.  An estimated 150,000 Guatemalans were killed.
  • On June 9, 1995, Japan’s House of Representatives expressed condolences and remorse in a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II in the Pacific.  “On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, this House offers its sincere condolences to those who fell in action and victims of wars and similar actions all over the world.  Solemnly reflecting upon many instances of colonial rule and acts of aggression in the modern history of the world, and recognizing that Japan carried out those acts in the past, inflicting pain and suffering upon the peoples of other countries, especially in Asia, the Members of this House express a sense of deep remorse.”
  • October 8, 1998 – In a written apology, Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi apologized to the South Korean people for 35 years of brutal colonial rule. In his statement expressing remorse, Obuchi extended “… a heartfelt apology to the people of South Korea, having humbly accepted the historical fact that Japan inflicted heavy damage and pain on the people of South Korea through its colonial rule.”
  • August, 1993 – Pope John Paul II apologized for the support of the enslavement of Africans during the 17th and 18th centuries by the Roman Catholic Church  “The immensity of their suffering corresponds to the enormity of the crime committed against them,” said Pope John Paul II.
  • August, 1993 – Russian President Boris Yeltsin laid a wreath of flowers at a commemoration site to apologize for the massacre of 15,000 Polish army officers by Soviet forces in Katyn Forest during World War II.
  • June 1995 – On their 150th anniversary, the Southern Baptist Convention, the nations largest Protestant denomination, publicly apologized for its history of racial bigotry. “We apologize to all African Americans for condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime, and we genuinely repent of racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously or unconsciously.”
  • Nov 4, 1995 – Queen Elizabeth II, apologized for injustices committed during the era of British Imperialism in New Zealand against the Maoris, the native inhabitants.
  • June 12, 1998 – In a letter signed by President Clinton, the United States formally apologized to the approximately 2,200 people of Japanese ancestry who were forcibly removed from Latin American countries and interned in the United States during World War II.  “We understand that our nation’s actions were rooted in racial prejudice and wartime hysteria, and we must learn from the past and dedicate ourselves as a nation to renewing and strengthening equality, justice and freedom,” Clinton wrote.

Along Abbots Creek in Davidson County, it gets real personal

Atoning for wrongs committed against each other and seeking forgiveness is one of the most wrenchingly difficult acts in the human experience, whether for individuals or families or states or nations.  However, the importance of atonement has been recognized for thousands of years.

Jews have celebrated Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, for 3,400 years.  Atonement is the most important principal of Christianity, with emphasis given to the importance of personal atonement during the 40 days of Lent leading up to Easter Sunday.

Nevertheless, atonement remains difficult because it forces us to admit that we made those mistakes; that our families made mistakes as repugnant as any in history.

Last summer, I attended the Miller family reunion in Lexington.  My mother’s mother was a Miller whose ancestors go back to when Gorg Miller bought land and settled along Abbots Creek in 1752.  One of the outings was a visit to a family graveyard a half-hour walk into a dense forest … a graveyard so old that the last person buried there was in 1890.

We finally found the graveyard in a thicket, three dozen or so grave stones and monuments surrounded by an ornamental iron fence.  The slaves were buried outside the fence with no markers.  The most imposing monument was that of Civil War Captain John Miller.

Although I do deeply regret the mistakes my family members made in thinking that slavery was justifiable, I do not have any bitter feelings towards those who owned slaves and fought for the confederates. However, I do feel compelled to find ways that I can atone for their mistakes … like supporting the pardon of Governor Holden.

By pardoning Governor Holden, we are not merely looking back to atone for mistakes made 140 years ago, we are looking forward to ensure that our children and their children and generations 140 years from now do not impeach, convict and remove a governor from office for taking a stand against the likes of the Ku Klux Klan.

– END –

Please subscribe to the John Davis Political Report for the 2011-2012 election cycle.  The Premium subscription is $485 a year.  Subscribe online today at www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe.

The Advantage subscription is $4,850 per year.  This subscription covers the John Davis Political Report with unlimited distribution rights to your employees or trade association members, along with private political briefings for you, your employees and leadership team, all conducted personally by me at your offices or conference locations.  Call me if you are interested and I will come visit with you: 919-696-3859.


John N. Davis, President

Caution: NC’s Population Growth Yields Fewer Democrats but More Liberals; More Republicans and Fewer Conservatives

by johndavis, March 3, 2011

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Audio-March-3-Pop-Growth.mp3|titles=Audio March 3 Pop Growth] “If they [Republicans in Congress] focus only on austerity and neglect to offer a pro-growth message, their attempt to tame the budget will be of limited appeal and could prove to be their undoing.”  Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal, March 3, 2011 Political Implications of NC’s 84% Voter Population Growth

[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Audio-March-3-Pop-Growth.mp3|titles=Audio March 3 Pop Growth]

“If they [Republicans in Congress] focus only on austerity and neglect to offer a pro-growth message, their attempt to tame the budget will be of limited appeal and could prove to be their undoing.”  Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal, March 3, 2011

Political Implications of NC’s 84% Voter Population Growth Since 1990

Granted, yesterday’s big news that North Carolina’s population has grown 18.5% in one decade is something to write about.  However, in order to see just how dramatically we have changed politically you should take a look at the 84% growth in registered voters since 1990.

The 84% growth in registered voters since 1990 has yielded confounding results:  the political market share of Democrats has declined by 30%, yet we have twice as many liberals.  There are a million more Republicans, yet the market share of conservatives has declined by 20%.

Caution: The greatest political challenge ahead for the new GOP legislative majority is how to initiate conservative solutions to state government problems without alienating the majority of voters who prefer results over party or ideology … voters who are more likely to say that they are “liberal” (17.6%) or “moderate” (37.3%) than “conservative” (41.4%).[i]

Voter population growth yields fewer Democrats: In 1990, there were 3.3 million voters in North Carolina.  As of February 26, 2011, there are 6.1 million voters … an 84% increase.

  • In 1990,[ii] 64% of NC registered voters were Democrats
  • Today, only 45% of registered voters are Democrats (30% decline)
  • In 1990, 31% of NC registered voters were Republicans
  • Today, the Republican share 32% (no change)
  • In 1990, 6% of NC registered voters were “Unaffiliated”
  • Today, the “Unaffiliated” registration is 24% (a 400% increase)

Half of NC’s Voters are in 14 Urban Counties

The geography of North Carolina is unchanged.  The mountains are still standing where they stood in 1587 when the “Lost Colony” of British immigrants first settled on Roanoke Island.  The ocean waves still wash ashore along the coast just like they did in 1781 when North Carolina patriot militiamen defeated Cornwallis at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse during the Revolutionary War.  It’s the profile of the people who make up modern day North Carolina that has undergone profound change … change driven by dramatic population growth in the last few decades.

Throughout most of our history, we were a Southern state … rural and conservative.  Today, we are more diverse … more like the nation than the South; more urban and ideologically moderate.

Today, half of North Carolina’s 6.1 million voters reside in 14 counties; the other half reside in the other 86 counties.  That means that once the new legislative maps are drawn, half of the state Senators and House members will be from 14 counties, the other half from the other 86 counties.

Non-Southern Newcomers Remix Liberals, Moderates, and Conservatives

As to the ideological shift, according to polling and democratic research conducted throughout the past two decades, two-thirds of the newcomers to North Carolina are not from the South. The leading states sending new voters to North Carolina are Pennsylvania, California, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Ohio.  Although these new voters have caused the 30% decline in the number of registered Democrats, their predominantly progressive political ideology has led to a doubling of self-described liberals.

Since the early 1990s, while serving as President of NCFREE, I asked the following question in all statewide polls:  “For most government policies do you prefer the solutions offered by liberals, moderates, or conservatives?”  (If Liberal, ask …) “Would that be very liberal or just liberal?” (If conservative, ask …) “Would that be very conservative or just conservative?”

Prior to 1995, the total “Liberal” was always a single digit number in statewide public opinion polls.  In 1995, the total “Liberal” increased to 10.3% (“Liberal” 8.8%; “Very Liberal” 1.5%).[i]

Today, polls show the total self-described liberals in North Carolina consistently closer to 20%, with conservatives around 45% and moderates around 35%.

According to Tom Jensen with Public Policy Polling, their latest North Carolina poll shows 16% of our voters describing themselves as liberal, 40% moderate, and 44% conservative.  (For emphasis: 56% NOT claiming to be conservative … in a Republican-friendly year!)

A new study released this week by Gallup shows that based on tracking polls throughout 2010 North Carolina is 41.4% conservative, 37.3% moderate and 17.6% liberal.  Only two Southern states are more liberal and less conservative than North Carolina: Florida and Virginia.  It’s no coincidence that those three states are the only Southern states carried by President Obama.

Although liberals and moderates combined are already well over half of all voters, their share of voters in urban areas increases considerably.  Restated for emphasis: Half of all voters in North Carolina’s 100 counties live in 14 urban counties.  These 14 counties were carried by the Obama/Biden ticket with 1,027,114 votes to only 692,939 for the GOP McCain/Palin ticket.

Conservative Governance of a Moderate, Battleground State

As stated at the outset, the greatest political challenge ahead for the new GOP legislative majority is how to initiate conservative solutions to state government problems without alienating the majority of voters who prefer results over party or ideology … voters who are more likely to say that they are “liberal” or “moderate” than “conservative”.[i]

Karl Rove writes in today’s Wall Street Journal, “If they [Republicans in Congress] focus only on austerity and neglect to offer a pro-growth message, their attempt to tame the budget will be of limited appeal and could prove to be their undoing.”  Rove concludes, “Americans today want to know what steps Republicans will take to create more jobs, bigger paychecks and greater prosperity.”

There you have it.  The way to meet the challenge of governing as a conservative in a moderate state is to stay keenly focused on what North Carolinians want … the same thing all Americans want, “more jobs, bigger paychecks and greater prosperity.”

– END –

[i] NCFREE statewide survey of 800 registered voters in North Carolina conducted between the dates of February 27 – March 3, 1995.  The survey is based upon actual telephone interviews with registered voters.

[ii] http://www.gallup.com/poll/125066/State-States.aspx

[iii] http://www.gallup.com/poll/125066/State-States.aspx

[iv] 1990 voter registration numbers are from the State Board of Elections.  My sincere thanks to Jacque Blaeske who took the time to find them and send them to me.

– END –

Please subscribe to the John Davis Political Report for the 2011-2012 election cycle.  The Premium subscription is $485 a year.  Subscribe online today at www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe.

The Advantage subscription is $4,850 per year.  This subscription covers the John Davis Political Report with unlimited distribution rights to your employees or trade association members, along with private political briefings for you, your employees and leadership team, all conducted personally by me at your offices or conference locations.

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John N. Davis, President

What’s a Republican to do About the Selection of Charlotte for the Democratic National Convention in 2012?

by johndavis, February 22, 2011

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/JDPR-2-22-2011-Charlotte-Host-DNC.mp3|titles=JDPR 2 22 2011 Charlotte Host DNC] “NC’s long-term industrial transformation — from tobacco, textiles, and furniture to research, energy, and banking — plays into what may be the centerpiece of the Democrat’s reelection bid, a call for the U.S. to focus on innovation to compete

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary
[audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/JDPR-2-22-2011-Charlotte-Host-DNC.mp3|titles=JDPR 2 22 2011 Charlotte Host DNC]

“NC’s long-term industrial transformation — from tobacco, textiles, and furniture to research, energy, and banking — plays into what may be the centerpiece of the Democrat’s reelection bid, a call for the U.S. to focus on innovation to compete  in the changing global marketplace.” Associated Press, February 2, 2011

A Model of Innovation and Global Competitiveness … or Algorithmic Voodoo?

A headline in the Wall Street Journal, Feb. 2, 2011, read, “Democrats’ 2012 Convention Plan Aims to Keep North Carolina Blue.” The story suggested that Charlotte was selected to host the DNC’s national convention in order to send a signal to the political community that President Obama’s target map is not shrinking.  The President’s campaign team wants to show that they are confident of repeat wins in historically red states like North Carolina, Indiana and Virginia.

That’s all well and good, but I believe that there is an even more important reason for choosing Charlotte: North Carolina.  It’s not just Charlotte, it’s our state.  Our state represents Obama’s vision of the new model when it comes to innovation and global competitiveness.  North Carolina may have been “First in Flight” in the 20th Century, but our growing reputation in the 21st Century is “First in Innovation,” an outgrowth of being “First in Business.”

From Forbes to Site Selection magazine, North Carolina has been recognized as having the “Best Business Climate” year after year for a decade.  Democrats beam with pride when they see those national awards of distinction handed to our state.  However, Republicans act as if the criteria for identifying our exceptional competitive qualities are based on algorithmic voodoo.

What’s a Republican to Do?

What is a Republican to do?  Last fall, North Carolina voters elected Republicans to shore up the long-term prospects of maintaining the state’s favorable business climate by restoring financial health and efficient delivery of governmental services.  Those two qualities, financial health and efficient delivery of services, have fallen by the wayside due to unilateral state budget power over too long a period of time by those who put the Democratic Party ahead of the fiscal integrity of the state and the character of its leaders.

Voters are now counting on Republicans to take ownership of our state’s business climate, and to stake a claim for a fair share of all things positive in our state … including the positive qualities like our model business climate that led to the selection of our state as the host state for the Democratic National Convention.

Sharing the Credit for a Business Climate that is the Envy of the Nation

So, before you GOPers start grousing over the positive commentary on the selection of Charlotte for the DNC national confab in 2012, please remember that the mayor of Charlotte during most of the dynamic growth since 1995 was a Republican named Pat McCrory.

Over the past four decades, millions of Republican business leaders and Republican employees have helped build great companies and communities in North Carolina.  They, right along with Democratic business leaders and Democratic employees … and Independent business leaders and Independent employees … helped make our state’s business climate the envy of the nation.

Take a look at the lists of high praise below and give some thought about whether these honors would have come to North Carolina without the hard work and good successes of all of us.

North Carolina’s Business Climate – The Envy of the Nation in 2010

North Carolina’s Business Climate – The Envy of the Nation in 2009

North Carolina’s Business Climate – The Envy of the Nation in 2008

NC’s Industrial Transformation, the Centerpiece of the Democrats’ Re-election bid

Today, North Carolinians are younger, smarter, and more urban/suburban than they were 10 years ago according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  Our 18.5% growth has also created greater diversity.  North Carolinians are just as likely to be from somewhere else USA; our demographic profile is more like the nation than the South.  As Ferrel Guillory, Director of The Program on Public Life at UNC Chapel Hill, wrote in his essay North Carolina: she ain’t what she used to be, “The state has transformed from biracial to multi-cultural.”  Why?  Economic opportunity.

North Carolina is one of the emerging states that best exemplifies the message of change that Obama won on in 2008.  That’s the thematic reason we were chosen to host the Democrats next September. Young, smart, diverse … first in innovation, leading the way in economic recovery and business investment.

Granted, the commitment by Duke Energy’s CEO Jim Rogers to raise the necessary $37 million to host the event was a critical factor; and, the fact that Charlotte’s new Democratic Mayor Anthony Foxx is tight with the President helped a bit.  Ummmmm, and then there is the prospect of a late-night, one-on-one game with Michael Jordan.  But none of that would have mattered if North Carolina had not developed into one of the most dynamic places in the world to live, learn, work, raise a family … and make money; one of a handful of states “leading the comeback from the worst recession since the 1930s,” according to an analysis by USA Today.

Associated Press writer Liz Sidoti said it best in her February 1, 2011 story titled, Dems choose Charlotte for 2012 convention. Sidoti wrote, “With the economy certain to dominate Obama’s re-election bid, North Carolina’s long-term industrial transformation — from tobacco, textiles, and furniture to research, energy, and banking — plays into what may be the centerpiece of the Democrat’s re-election bid, a call for the U.S. to focus on innovation to compete in the changing global marketplace.”

Will Obama Win NC Again? Will the GOP Hold the Legislative Majority?

As the Wall Street Journal story “Democrats’ 2012 Convention Plan Aims to Keep North Carolina Blue” suggested, Charlotte was selected to host the DNC’s national convention to send a signal to the political community that President Obama’s target map is not shrinking.

What are Obama’s prospects for winning North Carolina in 2012?  Well, half of all voters in our 100 counties live in 14 urban counties.  These 14 counties were carried by the Obama/Biden ticket with 1,027,114 votes to only 692,939 for the GOP presidential ticket of McCain/Palin.

Those 1,027,114 voters who supported Obama/Biden in 2008 still live here, and they are still more likely to support Democrats.  It’s an urban thing; same throughout the US.

However, in 2010, independent suburban voters, along with conservative Democrats and loyal Republicans, gave the North Carolina GOP a majority in the state Senate and state House of Representatives.  Those voters still live here too.

Whether North Carolinians will give Obama another win in 2012 is uncertain.  The more important question is will North Carolinians give Republicans another opportunity to lead the state following the 2012 elections.  That is equally uncertain.

What is certain is that Republican odds will improve if they begin to see the state the way everyone else in the country sees North Carolina:  youthful and innovative, diverse, leading the way to a globally competitive citizenry … an exemplary state with a business climate that is the envy of the nation … a state fitting for a national political convention.

– END –

Please subscribe to the John Davis Political Report for the 2011-2012 election cycle.  The Premium subscription is $485 a year.  Subscribe online today at www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe.

The Advantage subscription is $4,850 per year.  This subscription covers the John Davis Political Report with unlimited distribution rights to your employees or trade association members, along with private political briefings for you, your employees and leadership team, all conducted personally by me at your offices or conference locations.

The Advantage subscription will give you a greater sense of certainty about the politics of 2012 … earlier than anyone else.  More specifically, my goal is to give you the advantage that comes from knowing the likely outcome of primary and general election races months in advance in order that you might plan ahead and invest effectively.

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John N. Davis, President