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The Fall of the Basnight/Rand Empire and the Rise of a New Generation of United, Savvy Republican Leaders … Who can Raise Money

by johndavis, December 8, 2010

Post:  December 7, 2010       Volume III, No. 2 “I can’t control my caucus anymore.” NC Senate President Pro Tem Marc Basnight, Sited in John Davis Political Report, Volume II, No. 8, December 10, 2009 NOTE:  For those of you who are not subscribers, please subscribe today at $485 for the Premium Annual Subscription by clicking

Stephenson v. Bartlett – The Forgotten Reason Why the NC GOP Won the Majority in 2010

by johndavis, December 8, 2010

Post:  December 2, 2010       Volume III, No. 1 “According to Davis, the number of Senate seats competitive for both major political parties has dropped from 14 out of 50 under the 1992 Senate Plan to only 6 out of 50 under the 2001 Senate Plan. Similarly, Davis asserts that the number of competitive House seats

Investors Political Daily – Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010 – Republicans Win Historic Majorities in NC Senate and House

by johndavis, November 3, 2010

“The North Carolina Democratic Party has not lost both houses of the state General Assembly since 1898.  After reviewing all of the polls and news and trends of the day, especially the continued lack of confidence with how the majority party is leading the state and nation, the only thing that comes to mind is,

Late Breaking Trends – Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010 – Republicans Win Historic Majorities in NC Senate and House

by johndavis, November 3, 2010

“The North Carolina Democratic Party has not lost both houses of the state General Assembly since 1898.  After reviewing all of the polls and news and trends of the day, especially the continued lack of confidence with how the majority party is leading the state and nation, the only thing that comes to mind is,

Late Breaking Trends – Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010 – All of the Kings Horses and All of the Kings Men

by johndavis, November 2, 2010

Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Late-Breaking-Trends-Nov-2-2010.mp3|titles=Late Breaking Trends Nov 2 2010] “The North Carolina Democratic Party has not lost both houses of the state General Assembly since 1898.  After reviewing all of the polls and

Late Breaking Trends – Monday, Nov. 1, 2010 – GOP Early Voting Net 11 Points Over 2008 Turnout

by johndavis, November 1, 2010

Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “Many believe that the only way North Carolina Republicans can seize power in 2010 is to raise the political bar closer to that of Democrats.  Well, what if Democrats lower their political bar closer to the GOP?  Republicans win. 

Investors Political Daily – Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010 (Oct. 29 UPDATE) Final NC House Forecast: GOP Majority Likely 64

by johndavis, October 29, 2010

Investment Opportunities for Free-Market Advocates Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Investors-Political-Daily-Oct-29-NC-HOUSE-UPDATE.mp3|titles=Investors Political Daily Oct 29 NC HOUSE UPDATE] “Democrats no longer have the financial advantage.  Game over.” John Davis Political Report, Oct. 28, 2010 NOTE:  See handicap for all 50 NC Senate races and 120 NC House races by clicking on the

Investors Political Daily – Friday, Oct. 29, 2010 Final NC Senate Forecast: GOP Majority Likely 29

by johndavis, October 28, 2010

Investment Opportunities for Free-Market Advocates Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Investors-Political-Daily-Oct-29-NC-Senate.mp3|titles=Investors Political Daily Oct 29 NC Senate] “Democrats no longer have the financial advantage.  Game over.” John Davis Political Report, Oct. 28, 2010 NOTE:  See handicap for all 50 Senate races and all 120 NC House races by clicking on the Investors

Investors Political Daily – Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010 Final NC House Forecast: GOP Majority Likely 64

by johndavis, October 28, 2010

“Democrats no longer have the financial advantage.  Game over.” John Davis Political Report, Oct. 28, 2010 NOTE:  View all 120 House races by clicking on the Investors Political Daily chart above. Investors Political Daily North Carolina’s Daily Partisan Advantage Forecast Final NC House Forecast: GOP Majority Likely 64 Post:  October 28, 2010 NC House GOP

Late Breaking Trends – Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010 – GOP’s Focus on Economy Forges Powerful New Coalition with Far Reaching Potential

by johndavis, October 20, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Investors-Political-Daily-Oct-21.mp3|titles=Investors Political Daily Oct 21] Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “Tea Party detractors have doubted the political potential of the movement because it is not organized from the top down.  Those detractors have forgotten that