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Investors Political Daily – Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2010 NC Senate Majority is the Republicans to Lose

by johndavis, September 14, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/IPD-Senate-Sept-14-2010.mp3|titles=IPD Senate Sept 14 2010] Investment Opportunities for Free-Market Advocates Investor’s Political Daily Scoreboard: If the election were held today, Republicans would win the 26 seats needed for the majority in the 50-member NC Senate; Democrats have 19 of the 26 Senate seats needed for the

Late Breaking Trends – Monday, September 13, 2010 GOP Momentum Yields Enthusiasm, Money, Volunteers and Fired-up Candidates.

by johndavis, September 13, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Late-Breaking-Trends-Sept-13-2010.mp3|titles=Late Breaking Trends Sept 13 2010] Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “Compare today’s 11% of Americans who rate the economy as “excellent or good” to the 74% who rated the economy as “excellent or good”

Investors Political Daily – Wednesday, September 8, 2010 Republicans May Win Majority in the NC House

by johndavis, September 8, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Investors-Political-Daily-Sept-8.mp3|titles=Investors Political Daily Sept 8] Investment Opportunities for Free-Market Advocates “Investor’s Political Daily Scoreboard: Republicans have 59 or the 61 needed for the majority; Democrats have 51 of the 61 House seats needed for the majority.” Investors Political Daily, John Davis Political Report Post: September 8,

Late Breaking Trends – Tuesday, August 31, 2010 GOP HEAT WAVE BREAKS 68-YEAR-OLD RECORD DATING TO 1942

by johndavis, August 31, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Late-Breaking-Trends-Aug-31.mp3|titles=Late Breaking Trends Aug 31] Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “Republican average weekly advantages over Democrats during August are higher than any previous midterm Republican advantage in Gallup’s history of tracking the generic ballot, which

Late Breaking Trends – Friday, August 27, 2010 HOW WILL OBAMA’S FALL FROM FAVOR IMPACT NC’s RACES IN 2010

by johndavis, August 27, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Late-Breaking-Trends-Aug-27-Take-2.mp3|titles=Late Breaking Trends Aug 27 Audio] Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “I understand that intellectually,” said Obama, “but this is my life and career.  And I think I could probably do every job on the

Late Breaking Trends – Tuesday, August 24, 2010 DEMOCRATIC LEADERS IN CRISIS – A STORM SURGE THREATENS

by johndavis, August 23, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Late-Breaking-Trends-Aug-24.mp3|titles=Late Breaking Trends Aug 24] Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “North Carolina Republicans have an asset this year Democrats don’t have: Tom Fetzer.[i] Democratic consultant Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, The Fetzer Factor, April 7,

Late Breaking Trends – Week in Review WEALTHY LIBERALS SITTING ON WALLETS

by johndavis, August 20, 2010

Click the Play Button Below for an Audio Summary [audio:https://www.johndavisconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/John-Davis-LBT-8-20-Revised-8-21.mp3|titles=John Davis LBT 8 20 Revised 8 21] Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “Democratic operatives trying to raise money for expensive ad campaigns report that the wealthy liberals (and, to some extent, labor unions) who

Late Breaking Trends – North Carolina’s Daily Partisan Political Advantage Forecast

by johndavis, August 11, 2010

Key Trends and their Impact on North Carolina’s 2010 General Election Races Advantage Democrats Advantage Republicans “These are Obama voters. These are not Democratic voters.”  Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher, Washington Post:  August 13, 2010 President Obama’s “Job Approval” ratings at the beginning of his administration hovered at 70% in most national polls, with less than

Is the NC Democratic Party the Toyota of State Politics? #10: Obama is Walking on Oily Water in a Sea of Disappointments

by johndavis, June 11, 2010

Part V: Liability 10 “What’s disappointing to me,” said Stupak, “is learning that Toyota seems to have focused more on discrediting its critics than on solving the problem.” Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Michigan, May 20, 2010, U.S. House Commerce Committee Hearing on Toyota’s sudden acceleration problems[i] Obama: Walking on Oily Water in a Sea of Disappointments

Is the NC Democratic Party the Toyota of State Politics? #5 & #6: Economy and Corruption – Democrats Own Both

by johndavis, May 12, 2010

Part II: Liabilities 5 – 6 NC Republicans do not have to raise the political bar closer to that of Democrats to seize power in 2010 if Democrats lower their political bar closer to that of Republicans. This is Part II in a series of reports suggesting that the North Carolina Democratic Party is much