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Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … Part 6: The Five Safest Incumbents in 2016 American Politics are the Female Members of the North Carolina Council of State

by johndavis, July 14, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … by Process of Elimination   Part 6: The Five Safest Incumbents in 2016 American Politics are the Female Members of the North Carolina Council of State This is the sixth in a series of reports on the race for U.S. President. The series will

Independent, Socially-Left-of-Center, Economically-Right-of-Center Millennials Likely Most Valuable Voters in 2016

by johndavis, June 4, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … by Process of Elimination  Part 5: Independent, Socially-Left-of-Center, Economically-Right-of-Center Millennials Likely Most Valuable Voters in 2016 This is the fifth in a series of reports on the race for U.S. President. The series will unfold by process of elimination, interlocked with trends analyses, and

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … by Process of Elimination Part 4: Baltimore’s Unintended Paradox: Black Voters are in Play for Conservative Alternatives in 2016; Democratic and Republican

by johndavis, May 12, 2015

Baltimore’s Unintended Paradox: Black Voters are in Play for Conservative Alternatives in 2016; Democratic and Republican This is the fourth in a series of reports on the race for U.S. President. The series will unfold by process of elimination, interlocked with trends analyses, and conclude with my forecast for the next president.  May 12, 2015      

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … by Process of Elimination Part 2: Minority Voters Key to Winning in 2016

by johndavis, April 21, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … by Process of Elimination  Part 2: Minority Voters Key to Winning in 2016 This is the second a series of reports on the race for U.S. President. The series will unfold by process of elimination, interlocked with trends analyses, and conclude with my forecast

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … by Process of Elimination Part 1: Handicapping Republican Ted Cruz

by johndavis, April 8, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Next President of the United States … by Process of Elimination   Part 1: Handicapping Republican Ted Cruz This is the first in a series of reports on the candidates for U.S. President. The series will unfold by process of elimination of candidates, concluding with my forecast for the next president.

NC Tea Party and Democrats Stymied by Republican Successes and Signs of Sustained Economic Recovery

by johndavis, March 17, 2015

The worst thing that could happen to North Carolina’s right-wing economic hardliners on the eve of a presidential election year is for the Republican Party to be brimming with accomplishment at a time when the economy is expanding at a record pace. You can’t start a revolution when the news is good.

NC Democrats Meet Saturday in Pittsboro; Need State Party Chair who can Raise Money

by johndavis, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015        Vol. VIII, No. 2         9:13 am   CORRECTION – NC Sheriffs: I stated incorrectly in the last report that Republicans had a majority of the Sheriffs in North Carolina. In fact, 52 of our Sheriffs are Democrats; 48 are Republicans. In 2014, the party affiliation of newly elected Sheriffs switched in 10

Misinterpreting the Mandate: Consequences of the Most Common Mistake Political Majorities Make

by johndavis, January 13, 2015

January 13, 2015        Vol. VIII, No. 1         12:13 pm  “Unfortunately, Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them.”  U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat-NY, National Press Club, 11, 25, 2014  Fix Yourself When the second highest ranking Democrat in the U.S. Senate says, “We blew it,” I sit up and take notice. Such was the

Thank You and Happy New Year!

by johndavis, December 30, 2014

Thank You and Happy New Year!   December 30, 2014        Vol. VII, No. 30         12:13 pm Thank you so much for reading my report this year! There is no greater reward for a political writer than to be read by a balance of influential readers from all persuasions. My goal has always been to

The Seduction of Exceptionalism: Secret to Forecasting Thom Tillis’ Upset Victory over Kay Hagan in America’s Most Expensive U.S. Senate Race

by johndavis, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014        Vol. VII, No. 29         2:13 pm I had a secret forecasting advantage on January 10, 2014, when I titled the John Davis Political Report, Vol. VII, No. 2, North Carolina’s U.S. Senate Race: Numbers Say Republican Thom Tillis is Likely to Upset Kay Hagan. A secret advantage a year in the making.